Preparation work

Sign up for GitHub

GitHub is the largest open-source community and a free version control tool that helps with the rapid evolution of projects. You may need to download the app and bind it with your phone。

Prepare the environment

Using a Mac computer is the most convenient; you can use Homebrew to manage programming software, and it can be installed according to the following official installation method.


  • Prepare the Go environment
    #Execute and wait for completion
    brew install go
  • Prepare the npm environment
    #Execute and wait for completion
    brew install npm

Prepare the tools

Code tools

Use the VSCode tool, you should all have it installed.

Plugin installation

You can install the following plugins

  • SQLite
  • Go
  • Swagger Viewer
  • Vue Language Features (Volar)


Once the above operations are completed, we can play together. Contact me and I will add you to my project.